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Presentation: "Stats: In-house Analytics at Rovio"

Track: Data in Reality / Time: Wednesday 13:20 - 14:10 / Location: Rytmisk Sal, Musikhuset

The presentation takes a look at Rovio’s cloud based analytics solution (Stats), and covers some challenges and victories that the development team has experienced from both the past and the present."

Hannes Heikinheimo, Analytics Lead, Rovio

Hannes Heikinheimo

Biography: Hannes Heikinheimo

Hannes Heikinheimo is development lead on Rovio's big data and analytics pipeline. He is a data scientist by background and holds a PhD in computer science. He is the author of several original publications ranging in topic from algorithms to the theory of data mining. Prior to Rovio Hannes worked in companies such as Nokia, Zen Robotics, Google and the Finnish Broadcasting Company.